My Cat Chewed Ficus Tree Leaves and Survived
My Aldi ficus tree was doing remarkably better - until my cat started chewing on it. Yes, I know that ficus is toxic to cats. I keep my bedroom door closed now. She didn't suffer any ill effects and my title was dramatic, but I wouldn't risk it after knowing that it can be harmful. Besides, the leaves are now riddled with puncture marks, and I'd like it to survive another 15 years. That plant was about six inches tall and started as a bonsai when I bought it a decade and a half ago. It started out with a neatly braided trunk secured with gold twist ties. Unfortunately, one section didn't grow tall like the rest. I quit trying to keep it braided after it became obviously shorter. Toxic Plants and Cats Back to the subject of my post, since I am covering the dilemma of my cat chewing on my ficus tree. Many houseplants are toxic, including but not limited to poinsettia and lilies. You must keep the cat and plants separated or opt for other varieties. If you can't keep...