Can't Reach Clothes in the Bottom of the Washer

My blog is primarily about cats, but I have to discuss a problem that I can't help but think must be common. I can't reach the clothes in the bottom of the washing machine. Do you have that issue too? 

Deep Drum Washers and Struggling to Reach the Clothes

After getting my new machine I began by washing my cat's blankets and a few furniture coverings, and the first thing I noticed was how deep they designed the drum! I'm about 5' 4" tall, and my arms are either short or manufacturers aren't considering height when designing these products. 

A Reacher Grabber Tool is Safer than a Stool or Chair

My first inclination was to stand on my little wooden stool, but I immediately envisioned falling into the drum and getting stuck with my legs up in the air. I have a good imagination, but I am more cautious these days. My mind went back to when I stood on the arm of the couch to reach a plant and the padding shifted. After a two-second life review, as I fell to the floor, I learned my lesson and bought a reacher grabber. It would come in handy later with the much deeper washer. 

I chose the one below and use it for anything I can't reach around the house, but I use it most often in the laundry room. It's also great for reaching items on a shelf that must have been installed for the Jolly Green Giant. It's much safer to use a reaching apparatus than it is to stand on anything. 

Reacher Grabber Tool, 31

View it at Amazon - Reacher Grabber Tool, 31" #ad

Does Your Washer Do This?

I've kept my handy reacher grabber in the laundry room because that's where I need it. However, I discovered something else that you may not realize. My Maytag washer drum can be spun around by hand. Yours might too. Spinning helps with larger items, but I still need the grabber tool to pick up socks, washcloths, and other small things. 

   Ahh, the struggles of being short or on the lower end of average! 

If you also have height challenges, chances are you can't reach clothes at the bottom of your washer. I didn't have that problem with my old agitator-style machine, but these new ones are built differently. Mine is considered XL and it's super deep! I'd love to have my old washer back. I was surprised to find new washing machines with an agitator on Amazon. 

I don't believe that newer ones work as well at cleaning clothes, but that's a subject for another post. 

More Helpful Blog Articles Coming!

As I said in my opening statement, my site is primarily about my two cats, hence the title My Two Cats. However, now and then I plan to discuss other topics that may be helpful or interesting to cat parents in addition to those without felines. After all, we can all use cleaning hacks and other tips that make life a bit easier. 

Have you had problems reaching your laundry in the washer? Feel free to share your personal experience in the comments. 

Take care,



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